Kayano Oyama

Full-stack Developer


I have over 6+ years of experience working as a web developer.
I have created websites and successfully completed projects for various organizations in Canada and Japan, spanning from small businesses to the UN.

UI Design

UI Design

I research and design experiences that feel seamless to users, paying attention to every little detail. I design with the code in mind, ensuring it's easy to maintain.

Web Development

Web Development

I am passionate about creating useful applications that people can use in their everyday life. I enjoy challenges and coming up with creative solutions to solve problems.

Website Renewal

Website Renewal

By analyzing the current issues of the website, I make strategic improvements to optimize its user experience while maximizing its successful aspects.


Wiki Map - Map Sharing App

Wiki Map - Map Sharing App

Lighthouse Labs Midterm Group Project

Wiki Map is an interactive map sharing app built with Google Map API, Express, EJS and PostgresSQL. Perfect tool for planning trips, finding great restaurants, or simply identifying places that are important to you.

Google Map APINode.jsExpressEJSPostgresSQLBootstrapUI Design
First Aide - Health Care App

First Aide - Health Care App

Lighthouse Labs Final Group Project

First Aide is an AI-powered first aid app. It instantly provides users with accurate medical instructions during emergencies, offering intelligent suggestions and recommendations based on their input.

OpenAIReact NativeTailwind CSSExpressPostgresSQLUI Design
SnapNews - Educational Quiz App

SnapNews - Educational Quiz App

Personal Project

SnapNews is a quiz app that utilizes BBC news RSS. Users select from a group of thumbnails, the image that best matches a provided headline. It's a fun and interactive way to test your knowledge and stay updated with the latest news.

ReactNext.jsTailwindCSSAPIUI Design
Kayano Oyama - Software Developer Portfolio

Kayano Oyama - Software Developer Portfolio

Personal Project

My portfolio website showcases my expertise as a software developer. It's fully optimized for responsive design. The CG model featured is an actual toy I created during my university days when I was majoring in industrial design.

ReactNext.jsTailwind CSSUI Design

About Me

Expanding from Front-end to Full-stack

I'm a full-stack developer with a background in web design. After gaining experience in creating static websites and CMS-based web applications, I decided to go beyond informational websites and focus on building web applications that people can actually use in their day-to-day lives.

To make the transition to a full-stack developer, I joined a coding bootcamp at Lighthouse Labs in 2023. It was an eye-opening experience that provided me with a broader perspective on the field. I am continuously expanding my skill set by learning new technologies every day.

Skills & Tools

React Native


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